Upgrade Litmus ChaosCenter to Latest Version
Upgrade ChaosCenter​
To upgrade Litmus ChaosCenter from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0, you can follow these steps:
Disconnect the agent components To disconnect agents, you can do it from the chaoscenter by clicking the
button. With this, the subscriber deployment and agent-config will be removed from the agent cluster.Upgrade the control plane (ChaosCenter) To upgrade ChaosCenter, you can re-apply the manifest using the kubectl.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litmuschaos/litmus/master/mkdocs/docs/2.1.0/litmus-2.1.0.yaml
Reinstall the agent components using litmusctl
Note: While reinstallation, make sure to use the same agent name
To reinstall the ChaosAgents, use Litmusctl
Upgrade Mongodb DB Schema​
Note: This step is not required for upgrading 2.0.0 to 2.1.0
To upgrade the DB schema, make sure to delete the PV before re-installing ChaosCenter.