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Version: 2.6.0

Installing ChaosAgents in non interactive mode

Usage: Litmusctl v0.3.0


  • For litmusctl v0.3.0 or latest
  • Compatible with Litmus 2.0.0 or latest

litmusctl Syntax​

litmusctl has a syntax to use as follows:

litmusctl [command] [TYPE] [flags]
  • Command: refers to what you do want to perform (create, get and config)
  • Type: refers to the feature type you are performing a command against (agent, project etc.)
  • Flags: It takes some additional information for resource operations. For example, --installation-mode allows you to specify an installation mode.

Litmusctl is using the .litmusconfig config file to manage multiple accounts

  1. If the --config flag is set, then only the given file is loaded. The flag may only be set once and no merging takes place.
  2. Otherwise, the ${HOME}/.litmusconfig file is used, and no merging takes place.

Litmusctl supports both interactive and non-interactive(flag based) modes.

Only litmusctl create agent command needs --non-interactive flag, other commands don't need this flag to be in non-interactive mode. If mandatory flags aren't passed, then litmusctl takes input in an interactive mode.

Installation modes​

Litmusctl can install an agent in two different modes.

  • cluster mode: With this mode, the agent can run the chaos in any namespace. It installs appropriate cluster roles and cluster role bindings to achieve this mode. It can be enabled by passing a flag --installation-mode=cluster

  • namespace mode: With this mode, the agent can run the chaos in its namespace. It installs appropriate roles and role bindings to achieve this mode. It can be enabled by passing a flag --installation-mode=namespace

Note: With namespace mode, the user needs to create the namespace to install the agent as a prerequisite.

Minimal steps to create an agent​

  • To setup an account with litmusctl
litmusctl config set-account --endpoint="" --username="" --password=""
  • To create an agent without a project in a cluster mode

    Note: If the user doesn't have any project, it will create a random project and add the agent in that random project.

litmusctl create agent --agent-name="" --non-interactive


  • To create an agent with an existing project

    Note: To get project-id. Apply litmusctl get projects

litmusctl create agent --agent-name="" --project-id="" --non-interactive

Verify the new Agent Connection​

To verify, if the connection process was successful you can view the list of connected agents from the Targets section on your ChaosCenter and ensure that the connected agent is in Active State.

Flags for create agent command​

FlagShort FlagTypeDescription
--agent-descriptionStringSet the agent description (default "---")
--agent-nameStringSet the agent name
--cluster-typeStringSet the cluster-type to external for external agents | Supported=external/internal (default "external")
--installation-modeStringSet the installation mode for the kind of agent | Supported=cluster/namespace (default "cluster")
--kubeconfig-kStringSet to pass kubeconfig file if it is not in the default location ($HOME/.kube/config)
--namespaceStringSet the namespace for the agent installation (default "litmus")
--node-selectorStringSet the node-selector for agent components | Format: key1=value1,key2=value2)
--non-interactive-nStringSet it to true for non interactive mode | Note: Always set the boolean flag as --non-interactive=Boolean
--ns-existsBooleanSet the --ns-exists=false if the namespace mentioned in the --namespace flag is not existed else set it to --ns-exists=true | Note: Always set the boolean flag as --ns-exists=Boolean
--platform-nameStringSet the platform name. Supported- AWS/GKE/Openshift/Rancher/Others (default "Others")
--sa-existsBooleanSet the --sa-exists=false if the service-account mentioned in the --service-account flag is not existed else set it to --sa-exists=true | Note: Always set the boolean flag as --sa-exists=Boolean"
--service-accountStringSet the service account to be used by the agent (default "litmus")
--configStringconfig file (default is $HOME/.litmusctl)

Additional commands​

  • To view the current configuration of .litmusconfig, type:
litmusctl config view


- users:
- expires_in: "1626897027"
token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MjY4OTcwMjcsInJvbGUiOiJhZG1pbiIsInVpZCI6ImVlODZkYTljLTNmODAtNGRmMy04YzQyLTExNzlhODIzOTVhOSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4ifQ.O_hFcIhxP4rhyUN9NEVlQmWesoWlpgHpPFL58VbJHnhvJllP5_MNPbrRMKyFvzW3hANgXK2u8437u
username: admin
- expires_in: "1626944602"
token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MjY5NDQ2MDIsInJvbGUiOiJ1c2VyIiwidWlkIjoiNjFmMDY4M2YtZWY0OC00MGE1LWIzMjgtZTU2ZDA2NjM1MTE4IiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJyYWoifQ.pks7xjkFdJD649RjCBwQuPF1_QMoryDWixSKx4tPAqXI75ns4sc-yGhMdbEvIZ3AJSvDaqTa47XTC6c8R
username: litmus-user
apiVersion: v1
current-user: litmus-user
kind: Config
  • To get an overview of the accounts available within .litmusconfig, use the config get-accounts command:
litmusctl config get-accounts


CURRENT  ENDPOINT                         USERNAME  EXPIRESIN admin 2021-07-22 01:20:27 +0530 IST
* raj 2021-07-22 14:33:22 +0530 IST
  • To alter the current account use the use-account command with the --endpoint and --username flags:
litmusctl config use-account --endpoint="" --username=""
  • To create a project, apply the following command with the --name flag:
litmusctl create project --name=""
  • To view all the projects with the user, use the get projects command.
litmusctl get projects


PROJECT ID                                PROJECT NAME       CREATEDAT
50addd40-8767-448c-a91a-5071543a2d8e Developer Project 2021-07-21 14:38:51 +0530 IST
7a4a259a-1ae5-4204-ae83-89a8838eaec3 DevOps Project 2021-07-21 14:39:14 +0530 IST
  • To get an overview of the agents available within a project, issue the following command.
litmusctl get agents --project-id=""


AGENTID                                AGENTNAME          STATUS 
55ecc7f2-2754-43aa-8e12-6903e4c6183a agent-1 ACTIVE
13dsf3d1-5324-54af-4g23-5331g5v2364f agent-2 INACTIVE

For more information related to flags, Use litmusctl --help.

Learn More​